
MOVE TOUCH INSPIRE: Voice Actors and Creative Freelancers Who Want to Grow Their Business

MTI: [first Is Kickin' Ass Day, VO marketing, and Bill Duke on perseverance

Move Touch Inspire

The Newsletter for Voice Actors and Creative Freelancers
January 23, 2025

An Idea To Move You

Maybe you've seen the Nike commercial that says most people quit their New Years Resolutions by the second Friday in January and that it's called Quitter's Day.

We need a name for those days when you don't want to do the thing you know you should do and you do it anyway.

You should call those Reader Is Kickin' Ass Days.

Take stock of those, because they beget more of themselves.

A Thought to Touch You*

Sending a cold email feels vulnerable. You’re putting yourself out there, and there’s a chance you’ll be ignored, rejected, or even—brace yourself—called annoying.

But here’s the thing: no one builds a successful career by staying in their comfort zone.

The voiceover world is competitive, and if you’re not actively putting yourself in front of the right people, someone else will.

That’s not meant to scare you—it’s meant to light a fire under your ass.

A Quote to Inspire You

"Never... never... whether you are five or 100, never give up. It's never too late."
~ Bill Duke

*Today's Thought... from this week's content, The Voice Actor’s SURVIVAL Guide to Direct Marketing.

You’ve probably heard about cold emailing and thought, “That’s just spam, right?” Or maybe the idea of bothering someone with an unsolicited email gives you flashbacks to awful networking mixers where everyone exchanges business cards and fake smiles.

I get it—cold emailing feels like uncharted territory for a lot of voice actors.

But here’s the truth: it’s how I built my 6-figure VO business.

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The Voice Actor’s SURVIVAL G...
Jan 23 · VO Pro: The Business of...
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MOVE TOUCH INSPIRE: Voice Actors and Creative Freelancers Who Want to Grow Their Business

Every Thursday, the latest issue is sent to voice actors and other creative freelancers like you. Each message includes an idea to move you, a thought to touch you, and a quote to inspire you, as well as what I’m writing about that week on YouTube, on The VO Pro Podcast, and in The Pro Blog.

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