
MOVE TOUCH INSPIRE: Voice Actors and Creative Freelancers Who Want to Grow Their Business

Every Thursday, the latest issue is sent to voice actors and other creative freelancers like you. Each message includes an idea to move you, a thought to touch you, and a quote to inspire you, as well as what I’m writing about that week on YouTube, on The VO Pro Podcast, and in The Pro Blog.

MTI: It's your fault, training over talent, and Simon Mainwaring on brand success

Move Touch Inspire The Newsletter for Voice ActorsFebruary 20, 2025 An Idea To Move You No one is coming through the door to save you, discover you, make your schedule for you, hand you work, or make connections for you. If your business isn't performing the way you want, it's your fault. A Thought to Touch You* A trained voice actor who understands how to interpret scripts and deliver precisely what clients need will always, always, always outperform someone relying purely on natural...
MTI is Move Touch Inspire

MTI: Taking control of your career, hoping for opportunities, and George W. Cecil on waiting

Move Touch Inspire The Newsletter for Voice ActorsFebruary 14, 2025 An Idea To Move You The top voice actors aren’t waiting around—they’re booking work by marketing directly to prospects. Treat your voiceover career like a business and take control of your client pipeline. A Thought to Touch You If you're like a lot of voice actors, you’ve spent years training, refining your craft, and investing in quality demos. But the steady work you expected? Still out of reach. And it’s frustrating...

MTI: Why are you WAITING, choices, and William B. Sprague on striking a hot iron

Move Touch Inspire The Newsletter for Voice ActorsFebruary 6, 2025 An Idea To Move You What are you waiting for? The right time? It's now. To be "ready"? You'll never be ready. When it's perfect? Ha! It never will be. But that's adorable. We're here for a blip. A. Blip. Whatever it is, stop waiting. DO it. A Thought to Touch You* $1.1 million, even over 6 years, is objectively a lot of money, potentially a life-changing amount of money for many people. And I’m not here to say if you got this...

MTI: Why so difficult, VO gear, and Harvey Mackay on pessimism

Move Touch Inspire The Newsletter for Voice Actors and Creative FreelancersJanuary 30, 2025 An Idea To Move You It doesn't have to be hard. So often, we try to reinvent the wheel. We start from scratch, don't ask for help, don't learn what others already know, don't have any systems or processes in place, and we wonder why the thing is so hard. Example: Direct marketing to prospects. Hard as hell IF you... start from scratch, don't ask for help, don't learn what others already know, and don't...

MTI: [first Is Kickin' Ass Day, VO marketing, and Bill Duke on perseverance

Move Touch Inspire The Newsletter for Voice Actors and Creative FreelancersJanuary 23, 2025 An Idea To Move You Maybe you've seen the Nike commercial that says most people quit their New Years Resolutions by the second Friday in January and that it's called Quitter's Day. We need a name for those days when you don't want to do the thing you know you should do and you do it anyway. You should call those Reader Is Kickin' Ass Days. Take stock of those, because they beget more of themselves. A...

MTI: Curiosity, creativity, and Peter Drucker on time

Move Touch Inspire The Newsletter for Voice Actors and Creative FreelancersJanuary 16, 2025 An Idea To Move You The theme I've set for myself this year is curiosity. Am I as curious and coachable as I can be? How can I ask more and better questions? How can I approach the world, my businesses, my relationships with more wonder and less judgement. What if I started every day by asking, "What if..." A Thought to Touch You* Creativity is not something that just appears when you need it. You have...

MTI: Breaking rules, external comparison, and FDR on principles

Move Touch Inspire The Newsletter for Voice Actors and Creative FreelancersJanuary 9, 2025 An Idea To Move You The artistic side of VO has lots of rules that, once mastered, are made to be broken (with the discretion of a master). The business side, not as much. Those rules are generally pretty solid. Break them at your own peril. We share what some of those are this week in our content. A Thought to Touch You* It’s easy to scroll through Instagram and feel like everyone’s booking massive...

MTI: Elevating Women

Move Touch Inspire The Newsletter for Voice Actors and Creative FreelancersJanuary 2, 2025 An Idea To Move You As a middle aged white guy, I am, as our guest today, Christy Harst would say, drenched in privilege. So today I want to start 2025 by shining some light on our amazing, talented, smart, and driven female colleagues. Privilege by nature begets bias. I don't often see the bias against women in voiceover because I'm not a woman and I don't experience it. But privilege doesn't excuse a...

MTI: New Year's Day, checking the box, and Bill Gates on estimated productivity

Move Touch Inspire The Newsletter for Voice Actors and Creative FreelancersDecember 26, 2024 An Idea To Move You New Year's Day is every day. Anyone can make a New Year's resolution. The "resolve" a blank canvas can bring is easy. The secret is to commit every day to the discipline and behaviors that, piled up over time, bring a change? Want to master commercials? Put the time in. Every damn day. Want to get in shape? Put the work in. Every damn day. Want more job opportunities and auditions?...
MTI is Move Touch Inspire

MTI: Your 2025 success, serving your audience, and Mike King on relationships

Move Touch Inspire The Newsletter for Voice Actors and Creative FreelancersDecember 19, 2024 An Idea To Move You If you're not booking regularly, it's because you're not getting enough opportunities to book. Rather than waiting for the inbox to fill up, voice actors who are killing it (and I know of one exception) have a strong strategy to find clients. It's called lead generation. Your VO career in 2025 and beyond will depend on it. A Thought to Touch You* Above all, remember that tools are...

Every Thursday, the latest issue is sent to voice actors and other creative freelancers like you. Each message includes an idea to move you, a thought to touch you, and a quote to inspire you, as well as what I’m writing about that week on YouTube, on The VO Pro Podcast, and in The Pro Blog.